Saturday, June 29, 2013

Janney Family Vacation Pledge

 After we load up in the car to head on vacation, I am making everyone say this pledge:
Janney FamilyVacation Pledge
I pledge to:
·      Not complain. About anything.
·      Not get stressed out.
·      Have fun no matter what we’re doing.
·      Obey all rules about snacks, sunscreen, safety,   bedtimes and naptimes.
·      Get ready when asked.
·      Brush teeth when asked.
·      Clean up after myself.
·      Take care of the cottage.
·      Do.not.tee tee. in.the.pool.
·      Smile sweet for the first two pictures and then you can be silly.
·      Help each other.
·      Honor God in all I say and all I do.
·      Give lots of hugs and kisses to all my family!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Avalon Ladies Retreat

I am so thrilled to help plan another ladies retreat for the ladies of Avalon Church!  This year, we have some great plans! Our theme is "Taste and See."  We will spend time "tasting and seeing"  different aspects of God's character by studying names used for Him in Scriptures.  We will have four women speak, all at different stages of life and with different backgrounds.  We will have break out sessions that will have something for everyone!  We will blend spiritual and practical sessions in a very unique way.  

If that's not enough, we will stay at the beautiful Reunion Resort in Orlando, in 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom villas.  This property is absolutely gorgeous!  You will feel pampered with daily maid service, a water park, pools, and yummy snacks to enjoy in your room!  

Make plans to attend this incredible weekend September 20-22, 2013.  You don't have to be a member of Avalon Church to attend!  Feel free to invite friends and family!  All ladies ages 18 and up are welcome!  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Pinterest-Sized Failure... how I feel sometimes.  
Not an artsy bone in this body.
I'm the one that draws the same as I did in elementary school. My artistic level did not develop after 4th grade.
I received a B in art in 5th grade.
Seriously. B. In art. In elementary school. 
My art projects (if you could call them that) got laughed at in college. 
I refuse to go to pottery places where you paint the little vases and bowls, because I make a complete mess of it. Every time.
So imagine my excitement at Pinterest making DIY projects an every day thing for many of my friends.
Not. Excited.
What I can relate to is Pinstrosity. The website where they show the Pinterest projects gone wrong.
I am not against Pinterest - at all.  In fact, I have my own boards and love to look at the pretty pictures and the things people come up with.
What I am not a fan of is the feeling Pinterest can give me (if I let it). Not just Pinterest, but anything else that makes me feel inferior...all of this stuff that is striving for perfection.
I missed the Valentine's party at Baileigh's school because I was at work. Every other parent (including dads) were there.  (Like, seriously, I know other people work...) Thankfully, my mom was able to go in my place. But the fact remained that I felt like all of the other parents think badly of me.  Like, is her child not important enough that she wouldn't take off of work to be here? 

Failure heaping upon failure. 

Pretty much every aspect of my life: work, ministry, marriage, parenting, relationships...failure upon failure upon failure. Heaping on me. Making me want to crawl in a hole.
But there is this verse in my favorite book.  I've been reminding myself over and over and over of this verse.  The Author of this Book happens to know everything about me, and low and behold, He still loves me. So much that He wrote this Book and this verse for me. And for you too. Because I have a feeling you've felt like I do a time or two.
Galatians 1:10
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

And there it is. I don't have to please the parents of students in Baileigh's class (Amen for that!) I don't have to be good at art. God doesn't care that I got laughed at in college.  He doesn't care that people might judge me or think I'm a dork (which I am, but it's okay) or that I fail at DIY projects.  I don't think He cares that Carley and Baileigh's Valentines that they take to school are going to be just the normal, store-bought Valentines and not the oh-so-cute Valentines that are home-made and adorable.  
Praise God!  He loves me!  And I definitely don't deserve it.  But I am so thankful for His love!
Take that Pinterest.  And while you're at it, will you teach me how to build pull out shelves for my pantry? 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jesus Desires Mercy not Sacrifice

Matthew 9:13 (Jesus speaking) "But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice.  For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Matthew 12:7 (Jesus speaking) "If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent."

Hosea 6:4-6 "What can I do with you, Ephraim?  What can I do with you, Judah?  Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears.  Therefore, I cut you into pieces with my prophets, I killed you with words of my mouth, my judgments flashed like lightning upon you.  For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings."

Micah 6:6-8 "With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exalted God?  Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old?  Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil?  Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?  He has showed you, O man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and You'll recover your life."

Below is my journal entry from October 12, 2012. 

Galatians 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God?  Or am I trying to please men?  If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Oh, God, help me not forget who I am trying to please! I am to please you and You alone!  I don't have to please anyone else.  God, how do I please you without being "married to the law?"  I guess the first step is learning what pleases You.  

(Upon searching through Jesus' NT teachings, God brought me to Matthew 5:3-12...The Beautitudes)

Poor in spirit/Mournful
Hunger and thirst for righteousness
Pure in heart
Don't hate others
Don't lust
Manage your "multiple" personalities
Love your enemies
Pray in secret
Store treasures for Heaven
Don't worry
Don't judge others
Ask, seek, knock
Repent!  Matt 11:20-24

Rest in Him!  Matt 11:28-30 (from The Message): 

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?  Come to me. Get away with me and You'll recover your life."

Monday, January 7, 2013

Journal Entries

For 2013, I want to start sharing some of the things I've written in my journal.  I completed my 3rd half marathon on December 1, 2012.  This is what I wrote in my journal on that morning:

Race Day!
Dear God,
You can see me this morning - nerves and all! God, I pray that I will honor and glorify you as I run this race. It's unto You.  Let me run with perseverance the race set out for me. Let me run and not grow weary. Let me walk and not faint. Help me keep my eyes fixed on Jesus.  God-what do you want me to learn about You today?

 God answered my prayer!  Here is what I wrote on Monday, December 3rd:

How is a half marathon like our spiritual journey?
  • We all start at the same place (even if some start further back than others...)
  • You can start to feel weary even at the beginning (but it's easier to push through because you're not exhausted yet!)
  • There are others running the race that are pretty annoying; their sweaty arms might brush against mine.  But I forgive them.  Why? Because I realize that we are all working our booty off for one common goal: to finish this race!
  • It doesn't matter what language you speak.  Anyone can run.  (In fact, there were 2 people from China running, and I overheard them speaking Chinese to each other on the course.)
  • The water/Gatorade stops are like an oasis in the desert.  Oh, how wonderful to see that table with drinks!  Take a rest if it's offered, but get back into the race quick!
  • You get really, really, really tired. And hungry!!! Your tummy makes noises that tell you to please feed it.  Your whole body hurts.  At some point, it doesn't matter if you run or walk - both hurt so much.  You must keep going.  Because there IS a finish line. You may have not seen it, but you know it's there.  Close to the end of the race, you see people that have already crossed the finish line.  They come back to the sidelines to cheer you on.  They are smiling, and look so happy!  So you keep pushing, because you know you'll get there, too.
  • There are people holding signs along the path.  Some are meant to encourage you.  Some are just ugly.  Ignore the ugly (they will zap your energy if you dwell on them) and open your heart to the lovely (they will give you a shot of energy to keep going).
Thank you, God!