Fun Facts about the first two weeks of school:
- Carley started kindergarten at Stone Lakes Elementary
- She knew NO ONE in her class, but at Meet the Teacher, we ran into an attorney that works at the law firm I do HR for - his son is in Carley's class - they just moved here from SC and live in Stoneybrook...coincidence, Matt Owen? :-)
- Her teacher has a mad long name - Ms. Michalopolous - she lets the kids call her "Ms. M." Carley can say her name perfectly, though - really, just ask her next time you see her.
- New friends are Bella and Catalina
- Carley likes PE class
- Carley loves walking to school (with her mommy and daddy of course)
- She has already learned lots of new songs
- Carley loves Recess
- She loves to wear her Twinkle Toe shoes
- Carley does not enjoy getting up in the morning
- New breakfast fave: bagel with cream cheese
- What makes Mommy sad and proud at the same time: dropping Carley off in the morning and seeing her walk away all by herself, just so grown up. (Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up...)
- Mommy's favorite part of the day - the "end-of-the-school-day-hug."
Baileigh's turn:
- Baileigh started 1-2 days a week at preschool so Mommy can work more
- Baileigh's teacher is Mrs. Gunn - my bro-in-law's sister - we LOVE her!
- Baileigh talks about Mrs. Gunn all the time. Really.
- New friends: Jacob & Danielle
- Baileigh loves to see our nieces, Hope and Cassady, at school
- Baileigh thinks she is just as grown up as Carley
- Mommy's favorite part of the day - the "end-of-the-preschool-day-hug."
And now for some pictures!
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