Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Pinterest-Sized Failure... how I feel sometimes.  
Not an artsy bone in this body.
I'm the one that draws the same as I did in elementary school. My artistic level did not develop after 4th grade.
I received a B in art in 5th grade.
Seriously. B. In art. In elementary school. 
My art projects (if you could call them that) got laughed at in college. 
I refuse to go to pottery places where you paint the little vases and bowls, because I make a complete mess of it. Every time.
So imagine my excitement at Pinterest making DIY projects an every day thing for many of my friends.
Not. Excited.
What I can relate to is Pinstrosity. The website where they show the Pinterest projects gone wrong.
I am not against Pinterest - at all.  In fact, I have my own boards and love to look at the pretty pictures and the things people come up with.
What I am not a fan of is the feeling Pinterest can give me (if I let it). Not just Pinterest, but anything else that makes me feel inferior...all of this stuff that is striving for perfection.
I missed the Valentine's party at Baileigh's school because I was at work. Every other parent (including dads) were there.  (Like, seriously, I know other people work...) Thankfully, my mom was able to go in my place. But the fact remained that I felt like all of the other parents think badly of me.  Like, is her child not important enough that she wouldn't take off of work to be here? 

Failure heaping upon failure. 

Pretty much every aspect of my life: work, ministry, marriage, parenting, relationships...failure upon failure upon failure. Heaping on me. Making me want to crawl in a hole.
But there is this verse in my favorite book.  I've been reminding myself over and over and over of this verse.  The Author of this Book happens to know everything about me, and low and behold, He still loves me. So much that He wrote this Book and this verse for me. And for you too. Because I have a feeling you've felt like I do a time or two.
Galatians 1:10
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

And there it is. I don't have to please the parents of students in Baileigh's class (Amen for that!) I don't have to be good at art. God doesn't care that I got laughed at in college.  He doesn't care that people might judge me or think I'm a dork (which I am, but it's okay) or that I fail at DIY projects.  I don't think He cares that Carley and Baileigh's Valentines that they take to school are going to be just the normal, store-bought Valentines and not the oh-so-cute Valentines that are home-made and adorable.  
Praise God!  He loves me!  And I definitely don't deserve it.  But I am so thankful for His love!
Take that Pinterest.  And while you're at it, will you teach me how to build pull out shelves for my pantry?