Thursday, December 27, 2012

What do we do after Christmas?

I've decided the week between Christmas and New Year's is absolutely the most depressing week. EVER. All of the hustle and bustle of Christmas is over; suddenly, there are no more parties.  The presents have been opened; you've stuffed yourself with so much food that even eating no longer sounds appealing.  You've paused and reflected on the Christmas story numerous times; your decorations and tree are starting to look droopy.  Your children have played with their new stuff so much that some of it's already broken. 
Are you depressed yet?
Maybe the depression after Christmas is the reason New Year's resolutions are so appealing.  We are so down in the dumps over Christmas being over that the only thing we know to do is day dream. Day dream about what we will do in the new year, the new person we'll become, all the wonderful things we'll accomplish.
I, for one, don't want to make a bunch of goals and resolutions out of depression.  I am going to pray that God leads me toward the places I need to go, and away from the things that are coming from a selfish heart. Dear God, as the Christmas season comes to a close, please keep me from dwelling on negative thoughts.  Help me look to You and all that You have for us in the new year.  I commit myself and my family to You, Lord.  Here I am...

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